May 17, 2023:

Why is My Home Still on the Market? (Here’s What’s Holding You Back!)

The Real Estate market has endured many changes over the past year. War, inflation, and interest rates have impacted buyer activity nationwide and are even felt internationally. 

As a seller, it can be very frustrating if your home is still on the market and not getting the interest that you hoped it might. Overall, homes are on the market much longer than in previous years, with homes selling firm between 30-80 days on average. However, if your home is still on the market and surpassing the average time that homes typically sell, it might be time to re-evaluate, as you might be missing the following key factors that could be holding you back from making that successful sale. 

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1. Exceptional Photography and Video

People vastly underestimate the impact of having high-quality photos and videos of their homes. With so much technology at our fingertips, from iPhones to new cameras and drones, combined with a do-it-yourself mentality taught by social media gurus, people think they can save themselves money by doing this step themselves. Unfortunately, this includes some Realtors® who don't offer this premium service to their clients.   

Professional photographers and videographers are worth every penny. They are experts in their craft. They are educated on the importance of angles and proportions and master at telling your home's visual story through their camera lens and editing skills. Buyers may be able to fall in love with your home once they walk through the doors, but most people are browsing homes online, and if your home doesn't stand out from the competition, they may miss out on it!

2. A Dedicated Marketing Plan

Selling homes is not a one-size-fits-all process. For example, a small, cozy bungalow will appeal to a very different type of home buyer than a trendy condo in the heart of Naples or a large family home. This means your home will need a marketing strategy tailored to its sellable features and the type of serious homebuyers it will attract. 

It's important to work with a team that can see your home's potential to key demographics and market it in a competitive way with similar listings in your area. In addition, as the Southwest Florida Real Estate market changes, you will want a team that values and encourages innovation, stays ahead of the market trends and is willing to push the envelope in new techniques. 

Stock Image- Social Media Marketing

3. Exceptional Staging and Organization

Most buyers make their decision within just a few steps into your home and after just a few seconds. You only get one chance to make a great first impression; once your home hits the market, it becomes a product for sale. And while the layout and decor in your home may have worked well while you live in your home and go about your day-to-day life, a potential home buyer may find it too cluttered. 

Professional Stagers know how to dress up a home effectively for sale, how to make it more inviting, and how to show off your home's best features that buyers are looking for. If your home hasn't been professionally staged, this could be holding it back from selling. 

4. International Exposure

Did you know 500,000 Canadians own homes in Florida? That's right, and our friendly neighbors to the north represent the largest group of foreign buyers and investors in Florida, with 95% of them paying cash outright. So Canadians relocating, immigrating, investing and vacationing in Southwest Florida are serious buyers that could be looking for a home exactly like yours. It would be a missed opportunity to neglect to target this demographic, which could be why your home is still on the market. 

5. Have an Experienced Realtor® Backed By a Knowledgeable Team

A single agent cannot be an expert in everything. A team with experts in every step of the process, from buyer interaction to staging to photography to agreements, is the key to having the Best Real Estate Experience. Faris Team is constantly innovating and continuing to sell homes even in a slower market because our experts have been able to dig in their heels and go full out® for our clients. Our mission is to provide the Best Real Estate Experience in the world, regardless of the market or the economy. 

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